Wednesday, January 11, 2012

R.I.P. El Mestizo

Dear Mestizos,

I just heard the news today all the way across the world and in a different time zone, months out from living in Seattle. But the news of your closing still shook me to my core. How did this happen? Where do the people of First Hill go to find reprieve during their work days and to enjoy delicious Mexican dishes?

I remember the first time I noticed you -- you replaced that sketchy pizza place whose name I never remember. You were like a beacon of light and we thought, for a while, that First Hill might be "up and coming". It wasn't. But nonetheless, you remained for a long time and I enjoyed so many memories in the restaurant. I remember May 5, 2010 camping out for hours after work and listening to the deafening sounds of the mariachi band playing whilst I ate my carne asada burrito laden with guacomole. Many times I've dreamed of that food here in Botswana, dreamed of having it again one day when I come home to visit. And now with this news my dream dies.

¡Descanse en paz, El Mestizo!

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