Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day

On December 1st the world commemorated World AIDS Day. But ceremonies have been held even throughout this week in some areas in Botswana, for instance villages in my sub-district. The devastation of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is a significant part of Botswana's past (particularly in the 90's and early 2000's), and sadly, it will continue to be a large part of its future. With still the 2nd highest prevalence rate of HIV in the world, the people of Botswana have serious issues to address, like gender-based violence/stigma, low male testing turnout, and multiple concurrent partnerships. At the same time, they've accomplished a lot working together; Botswana has the best ARV (antiretrovirals) and PMTCT (prevention of mother-to-child transmission) programs in Africa - things I might not know at all unless I were here. Botswana has much potential and I'm grateful for my Peace Corps placement because of that.

I just want to post links to a couple articles written around World AIDS Day:



The first is written by an expert discussing the roadmap for ending the AIDS epidemic, and I found it very inspiring. The second is an article written by a current Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana with an interesting take on behavior change. Hope you have the chance to read both!

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